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Pillars of God

The Pillars of God in San Bernardino, CA are a unique landmark created by local artist James Stewart. The site features two large pillars made from concrete and steel reaching up to 30 feet tall. The pillars feature intricate carvings depicting various symbols of the Judeo-Christian scriptures, images of angels and other creatures, and quotes from famous writers. Each pillar is numbered with its own dedication plaque at the base for visitors to read.

In addition to being an impressive artistic display, the Pillars of God also offer some spiritual significance. They are often used as a place for individuals to gather for prayer or meditation in times of need and distress. People visiting this special site may find themselves feeling comforted, finding peace in the midst of chaos, or simply enjoying the beauty of the pillars.

The Pillars of God in San Bernardino, CA is a unique landmark that brings together art, spirituality, and history. It’s a great place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and appreciate the beauty of this special site. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or just want to get away from it all, the Pillars of God are worth visiting.

The Pillars of God are a must-see destination when visiting San Bernardino. They are located in a quiet neighborhood and can easily be accessed by public transportation. Visitors will find plenty of parking nearby and can take a moment to appreciate this unique landmark before continuing their journey. Whether it’s for spiritual enlightenment, peace, and tranquility, or just to experience something different, the Pillars of God are definitely worth a visit!

The local artist behind the creation of these pillars, James Stewart, continues to be involved with the upkeep and maintenance of the site. He regularly hosts events at the Pillars where visitors can learn more about his work and the history behind the artwork. These events provide an opportunity to genuinely connect with the artist and explore deeper meanings of the pillars that go beyond a simple appreciation for their beauty.

The Pillars of God are truly a sight to behold. From its unique symbolism signifying spiritual growth to its inspirational carvings, this landmark is sure to leave visitors feeling inspired and connected with something greater than ourselves. Whether you come just to admire or with a need for spiritual guidance, it’s worth taking a moment at the Pillars of God in San Bernardino, CA.

The Pillars of God are also a popular destination for wedding ceremonies and other special events. Couples often choose to marry at this site as a way to start their life together on a spiritual foundation. It is also used for baptisms, memorial services, and other celebrations that are important milestones in our lives. For those looking to make their event extra special, the Pillars of God provide an ideal setting with its peaceful atmosphere and inspiring artwork.

Overall, the Pillars of God in San Bernardino, CA offer something truly unique. From its artistic beauty to its profound symbolism, this landmark has come to mean much more than just another tourist attraction. Whether you’re looking for spiritual enlightenment or just want to enjoy a quiet moment, the Pillars of God will leave you with an experience to remember.

The Pillars of God are also home to a community art project which allows visitors to become part of the story. Local and international artists are invited to participate in this ongoing project where they can add their own artwork onto the pillars using different media such as paint or sculpture. This project encourages visitors to interact with the site and create something special together that will be remembered for years to come.

The Pillars of God have become an iconic landmark in San Bernardino, CA, drawing locals and tourists alike. Whether it’s for spiritual growth, a unique photo opportunity, or just to appreciate its beauty. This is a site that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Go out and explore the Pillars of God today! It could be an experience that will stay with you forever.